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Saturday, August 14, 2021


Ramakrishna as Krishna

Swami Ambikananda described how his father, Navagopal Ghosh saw Krishna in the Master:

Our house was at Badurbagan in Calcutta. During this period, devotees often arranged to have festivals in their homes on Sundays and invited Sri Ramakrishna and other devotees. They would hire a singer and musicians to entertain the Master and would prepare a sumptuous feast. Girish, Ram, and Kalipada were the organisers. Once my father arranged for a festival in our worship hall and invited the Master and his devotees. A scholar was engaged to recite the Bhagavata. The Master had been seated in the worship hall, but suddenly he jumped up and rushed to the courtyard and stood near the singer and the musicians," in the pose of Krishna with a flute in his hand." It was a wonderful site. The other devotees encircled the Master and sang kirtan in chorus. My father brought a long flower garland for the Master and he placed it around his neck. After the kirtan, the Master sat on his seat and gradually came down from his ecstatic mood. My father saw a glowing light on the Master's face. At first he thought it was an optical illusion, so he went to wash his eyes. But again he saw the same light. Amazed, he asked his brother Jayagopal whether he saw anything  unusual in the Master. "No, he looks just as usual," replied his brother. At last, my father realized that the Master, out of mercy, had shown him his divine, luminous form.

 -How to Live With God

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