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Wednesday, July 28, 2021



It was 28 March 1913 at Jayarambati. Swami Arupananda wrote in his reminiscences:

The crazy aunt [Radhu's mother] was arranging lunch for a relative by placing a leaf plate and a glass of water on her veranda. Radhu's cat sipped water from the glass, so she replaced it with another glass of water. This time also the cat sipped the water. The crazy aunt chased the cat, shouting, "I shall kill you." The Mother was nearby. She said: "No, one should should not prevent a thirsty animal from drinking. Moreover, the cat has already touched that water." Immediately the crazy aunt flared up, saying: "You will not have to show your overflowing compassion to that cat. You have shown enough compassion to people. Why not reserve your kindness for human beings?"  The Mother gravely said: "That person is really unfortunate who is deprived of my compassion. I don't know anyone, even an insect, who is not a recipient of my compassion."

-Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play

Grateful thanks to

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