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Monday, October 12, 2020


Every year many think, what would they write to our beloved teacher and share what they have done to transform their most negative habit, as a gift offering to our teacher to his birthday. 

“Every year, on his Continuation Day, I always remind my friends to write to our beloved teacher and share what they have done to transform their most negative habit, as a gift offering to our teacher for his birthday. Maybe your transformation was great – for example you decided to reconcile with one person in your family that you had ignored for too long, or at least you were able to let go of the hurt you felt, or you recognized that you still need to let go of hurt feelings. The more you practice to transform suffering, the more our teacher is happy. Being his student for more than 52 years, I know that receiving news of transformation is the best way to make Thay happy and give him more energy to be able to continue to live a long time with us.”

~ Sister Chân Không 2013

Grateful thanks to
Sister Chân Không

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