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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Videos for Spiritual Aspirants-14:Paramahansa Yogananda Meeting with Ramana Maharshi

Paramahansa Yogananda Meeting with Ramana Maharshi -
Maharshi's Answers To Yogananda's Questions


“Swami Vivekananda - The Inspirational Leader”
Published on Nov 8, 2018
Paramahamsa Yogananda Meeting with Ramana Maharshi - Maharshi's Answers To Yogananda's Questions

Source of the Content:
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (3 Volumes in One Extract Version)
Talk No. 106 (29th November, 1935)

Also, please note that here, Paramahamsa Yogananda asks these questions on behalf of all of us. This has been in our culture that whenever Jnanis or Bhaktas or Yogis meet one another, they ask questions to show others the path of light (out of compassion for us) and never for themselves. If everyone is silent in their own bliss by meditation or devotion, then there won't be any teachings for humanity to come out of sufferings (Bhava Rog). So, please understand that in this context,  it doesn't mean that one has less knowledge/experience than the other or vice versa. Hope this clears your queries.

Pranams to Sri Ramana Maharishi and Paramahamsa Yogananda and
Grateful thanks to “Swami Vivekananda - The Inspirational Leader” and YouTube.

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