* In doing evil, we injure ourselves and others also. In doing good we do good to ourselves and to others as well. According to karma-yoga, the action one has done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results. If I do an evil action, I must suffer for it; there is no power in this universe to stop or stay it. Similarly, if I do a good action, there is no power in the universe which can stop its bearing good results - Swami Vivekananda.
* As the different strams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee. - Swami Vivekananda.
* Men do not realize how far they are dragged down by women. Once I went to the Fort in a carriage, feeling all the while that I was going along a level road. At last I found that I had gone four storeys down. It was sloping road. - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
* Truth is the last end for the entire universe and the contemplation of truth is the chief occupation of wisdom. - St.Thomas Aquinas.
* A man becomes an animal if he thinks his physical needs are supreme and if he has no mind at all or has a mind vitiated by ill thoughts and feelings. He is a demon if he finds pleasure in doing mischief to others and he is a god if he is totally unselfish and his only pleasure is to do good to others. Most men are between these two extremes...an unselfish man is an asset to society and adds to its strength and glory. An ideal society is one in which every individual takes unselfishness as his ideal and pursues it regardless of what it may cost him - Swami Lokeswarananda.
* Religion gives the incentive to struggle and indicates the steps to be taken. The struggle is not so much physical as mental. It is easy to overcome physical hurdles but very difficult to overcome selfishness, anger, hatred, envy etc. Religion shows the way to overcome these mental drawbacks. - Swami Lokeswarananda.
* The phenomenal world is .... partly real and partly unreal; not absolutely unreal and also of course not absolutely real. - Swami Lokeswarananda.
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