‘God is the Head of this house. The unseen guest at every meal. The silent listener to every conversation’ (Written at the entrance of Mr PAC Ramasamy Raja).
‘Assuming a human body, the Incarnation falls a victim to disease, grief, hunger, thirst and all such things, like ordinary mortals. Rama wept for Sita. “Brahman weeps, entrapped in the snare of the five elements!”.
“It is said in the Purana that God, in His Incarnation as the Sow (Varaha Avatar), lived happily with His young ones even after the destruction of Hiranyaksha. (According to Hindu mythology, God incarnated Himself as a sow in order to save the world from the iniquities of the demon, Hiranyaksha). As the Sow, He nursed them and forgot all about His abode in heaven. At last, Siva killed the sow-body with his trident, and God, laughing aloud went to His own abode.” (Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa).
“Akrura came to Vrindavan to take Krishna and Balarama to Mathura. When they mounted the chariot, the gopis clung to the wheels. They would not let the chariot move.” Saying this, Sri Ramakrishna sang, assuming the attitude of Akrura: “Hold not, hold not the chariot’s wheels! Is the wheels that make it move? The Mover of its wheels is Krishna, By whose will the worlds are moved…” Sri Ramakrishna then said: “Is it the wheels that make it move?’ ‘By whose will the worlds are moved; The driver moves the chariot at his Master’s bidding. I feel deeply touched by these lines”.
In the Bhagavatam, Sri Krishna says: “I have proclaimed three kinds of yoga for the spiritual enlightenment of human beings. These are Jnana Yoga (Path of Knowledge), Karma Yoga (Path of Action), and Bhakti Yoga (Path of Devotion). There is no other way besides these three. The path of knowledge is for those who are disgusted with work, and as a result, have renounced it. The path of action is for those who have desires and are therefore not yet disgusted with work and its fruits. The path of devotion is very effective for that person who by some good fortune has develop faith in my divine life and message, but has neither extreme renunciation nor excessive attachment for the world. (Swami Turiyananda).
“Life has a meaning, our birth has a meaning; that meaning is to realize in ourselves, in each one of us, something of God, to express in our daily life something that is associated with God, knowledge, kindness, benevolence, purity and happiness. (M.P.Pandit).
‘Assuming a human body, the Incarnation falls a victim to disease, grief, hunger, thirst and all such things, like ordinary mortals. Rama wept for Sita. “Brahman weeps, entrapped in the snare of the five elements!”.
“It is said in the Purana that God, in His Incarnation as the Sow (Varaha Avatar), lived happily with His young ones even after the destruction of Hiranyaksha. (According to Hindu mythology, God incarnated Himself as a sow in order to save the world from the iniquities of the demon, Hiranyaksha). As the Sow, He nursed them and forgot all about His abode in heaven. At last, Siva killed the sow-body with his trident, and God, laughing aloud went to His own abode.” (Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa).
“Akrura came to Vrindavan to take Krishna and Balarama to Mathura. When they mounted the chariot, the gopis clung to the wheels. They would not let the chariot move.” Saying this, Sri Ramakrishna sang, assuming the attitude of Akrura: “Hold not, hold not the chariot’s wheels! Is the wheels that make it move? The Mover of its wheels is Krishna, By whose will the worlds are moved…” Sri Ramakrishna then said: “Is it the wheels that make it move?’ ‘By whose will the worlds are moved; The driver moves the chariot at his Master’s bidding. I feel deeply touched by these lines”.
In the Bhagavatam, Sri Krishna says: “I have proclaimed three kinds of yoga for the spiritual enlightenment of human beings. These are Jnana Yoga (Path of Knowledge), Karma Yoga (Path of Action), and Bhakti Yoga (Path of Devotion). There is no other way besides these three. The path of knowledge is for those who are disgusted with work, and as a result, have renounced it. The path of action is for those who have desires and are therefore not yet disgusted with work and its fruits. The path of devotion is very effective for that person who by some good fortune has develop faith in my divine life and message, but has neither extreme renunciation nor excessive attachment for the world. (Swami Turiyananda).
“Life has a meaning, our birth has a meaning; that meaning is to realize in ourselves, in each one of us, something of God, to express in our daily life something that is associated with God, knowledge, kindness, benevolence, purity and happiness. (M.P.Pandit).
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