· Keep your heart free and clean and humble, then God will enter.
· Service, humility and purity are the foundation of character. Without them, no spiritual growth is possible. So one must practice these qualities with earnestness and sincerity, and God will come. When we know that great Spirit, whom we call Father or Mother, as our own, all pride, fear and turbulence vanish and we find peace. As our heart becomes free from blemish, we feel the presence of the Divine within us and we are able to reflect it in our outer life; but we do not keep it to enjoy selfishly, we give it to others in every word, act and thought. (Swami Paramananda)
· Compassion, love of God, and renunciation are the glories of true knowledge. (Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)
· The miseries of life actually help us. Evil is sometimes a blessing in disguise. Rise above your troubles. Troubles are good if they make us think of the Lord. Face the troubles and rise above them. Do not brood over troubles. That only makes matters worse. Try to get over the trouble calmly, in a balanced way. (Swami Yatiswarananda)
· Go to sleep in a prayerful mood. Meditate with a clear mind. Six hours sleep is sufficient. Read and study daily two hours at the minimum. (Swami Yatiswarananda)
· Everyone in this world is mad! Some are mad for money, some for creature comforts, some for name and fame and you are mad for God. (Bhairavi Brahmani to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)
· From our very birth, we have eight fetters of hatred, shame, lineage, pride of good conduct, fear, secretiveness, caste and grief. (Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)
· Service, humility and purity are the foundation of character. Without them, no spiritual growth is possible. So one must practice these qualities with earnestness and sincerity, and God will come. When we know that great Spirit, whom we call Father or Mother, as our own, all pride, fear and turbulence vanish and we find peace. As our heart becomes free from blemish, we feel the presence of the Divine within us and we are able to reflect it in our outer life; but we do not keep it to enjoy selfishly, we give it to others in every word, act and thought. (Swami Paramananda)
· Compassion, love of God, and renunciation are the glories of true knowledge. (Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)
· The miseries of life actually help us. Evil is sometimes a blessing in disguise. Rise above your troubles. Troubles are good if they make us think of the Lord. Face the troubles and rise above them. Do not brood over troubles. That only makes matters worse. Try to get over the trouble calmly, in a balanced way. (Swami Yatiswarananda)
· Go to sleep in a prayerful mood. Meditate with a clear mind. Six hours sleep is sufficient. Read and study daily two hours at the minimum. (Swami Yatiswarananda)
· Everyone in this world is mad! Some are mad for money, some for creature comforts, some for name and fame and you are mad for God. (Bhairavi Brahmani to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)
· From our very birth, we have eight fetters of hatred, shame, lineage, pride of good conduct, fear, secretiveness, caste and grief. (Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)
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