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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Gems from Swami Vivekananda-64:

The condemnation of all weakness--this is the idea in all our teachings which I like, either in philosophy, or in religion, or in work. If you read the Vedas, you will find this word always repeated--fearlessness--fear nothing. Fear is a sign of weakness. We must go about our duties without taking notice of the sneers and the ridicule of the world.

Gems from Mata Amritanandamayi-9:

To become fit to receive grace, we must develop humility in our words and actions. 

Gems from Mother Teresa-13:

Some people come into your life as blessings and some, as lessons.

Gems from Sathguru Jaggi Vasudev - 22:

Love is a longing to include someone as a part of yourself.  It is a possibility to become more than what you are – Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Prayer of the day-31

Oh Lord!
Teach me how to trust –
My heart,
My mind,
My intuition,
My inner knowing and
The Blessings of my spirit.
So that I may enter my sacred space and
Love beyond my fear and
Thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun.

-         A Red Indian Prayer

Gems from the Mother(Pondicherry)-1:

Look for the inner causes of disharmony much more than the outer ones.  It is the inside which governs the outside.