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Saturday, July 31, 2021
Friday, July 30, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Master's attitude toward young disciples
Master's attitude toward young disciples
MASTER: "Now and then Hazra comes forward to teach me. He says to me, 'Why do you think so much about the youngsters?' One day, as I was going to Balarām's house in a carriage, I felt greatly troubled about it. I said to the Divine Mother: 'Mother, Hazra admonishes me for worrying about Narendra and the other young boys. He asks me why I forget God and think about these youngsters.' No sooner did this thought arise in my mind than the Divine Mother revealed to me in a flash that it is She Herself who has become man. But She manifests Herself most clearly through a. pure soul. At this vision I went into samadhi. Afterwards I felt angry with Hazra. I said to myself, 'That rascal made me miserable.' Then I thought: 'But why should I blame the poor man? How is he to know?'
~Gospel of Shri Ramkrishna
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TEMPLES OF INDIA : Chaumukh Nath Mandir at Nachna, Panna District of Madhya Pradesh
An extremely rare manifestiation of Bhagwan Shiva via a 4 headed Shivalinga at Chaumukh Nath Mandir at Nachna, Panna District of Madhya Pradesh.
The left face represents Vish Grahan Roop while the right face represents the Parinay Shaant roop.
The Mandir is believed to be from the 5th century C.E.
Har Har Mahadev!
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Holy Mother's Assurance:
"Once in Udbodhan House, Golap-ma* cleaned the toilet and then after changing her cloth, she began to cut fruit for offering. Nalini could not bear it. She asked Golap-ma to bathe in the Ganges, but Golap-ma ignored her. Later the Mother commented: "How pure Golap's mind is. How high-souled she is. Therefore, she does not discriminate so much between pure and impure things. She does not bother about rules regarding external purity. This is her last birth."
The concept of ''last birth" is a controversial topic. According to the Katha Upanishad, "When all the desires dwelling in the heart fall away, then the mortal becomes Immortal and here attains Brahman."
Krishna says in the Gita: "At the time of death, a person who leaves his body remembering me alone, he attains my being. Of this there is no doubt."(8:5)
Buddha said that nirvana is possible when a person becomes free from desire.
Ramakrishna said, "For those who come 'here,' it will be their last birth." The word 'here' may be interpreted as referring to God. When a person realizes God, his heart becomes illumined and all desires disappear, so he will not have to come back again. Holy Mother was omniscient and she knew the destiny of each individual. She reassured her disciples that the Master would come to receive them at their time of death.
*Golap-Ma was the disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and Holy Mother's companion. Sri Ramakrishna's touch transformed her ( a poor, grief-stricken widow) into a dedicated saint.
-Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play
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Wednesday, July 28, 2021
It was 28 March 1913 at Jayarambati. Swami Arupananda wrote in his reminiscences:
The crazy aunt [Radhu's mother] was arranging lunch for a relative by placing a leaf plate and a glass of water on her veranda. Radhu's cat sipped water from the glass, so she replaced it with another glass of water. This time also the cat sipped the water. The crazy aunt chased the cat, shouting, "I shall kill you." The Mother was nearby. She said: "No, one should should not prevent a thirsty animal from drinking. Moreover, the cat has already touched that water." Immediately the crazy aunt flared up, saying: "You will not have to show your overflowing compassion to that cat. You have shown enough compassion to people. Why not reserve your kindness for human beings?" The Mother gravely said: "That person is really unfortunate who is deprived of my compassion. I don't know anyone, even an insect, who is not a recipient of my compassion."
-Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play
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Who can know God fully?
It is not given to us, nor is it required of us to know Him fully.
It is enough if we can see Him
-feel that He is the only reality.
Suppose a person comes to the holy river Ganges and touches the water. He would say, "I have been blessed with the vision and touch of the holy river from Gomukhi to Gangasagar-from its source to the estaury !"
Do you seek God?
Then seek Him in man.
His divinity is manifest more in man than in any other object. Look around for a man whose heart overflows with the love of God, a man who lives, moves and has his being in God-a man intoxicated with His love. In such a man God manifests Himself.
- Wise Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna.
716 & 717.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
FROM THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA : Three yogas explained by Master
Three yogas explained by Master
"Innumerable are the ways that lead to God. There are the paths of jnāna, of karma, and of bhakti. If you are sincere, you will attain God in the end, whichever path you follow.
Roughly speaking, there are three kinds of
yoga: jnanayoga, karma yoga, and bhaktiyoga.
"What is jnanayoga?
The Jnāni seeks to realize Brahman.
He discriminates, saying, 'Not this, not this'. He discriminates, saying, 'Brahman is real and the universe illusory.'
He discriminates between the Real and the unreal.
As he comes to the end of discrimination, he goes into samādhi and attains the Knowledge of Brahman.
"What is karmayoga?
Its aim is to fix one's mind on God by means of work. That is what you are teaching. It
consists of breath-control, concentration, meditation, and so on, done in a spirit of detachment. If a householder performs his duties in the world in a spirit of detachment, surrendering the results to God and
with devotion to God in his heart, he too may be said to practise karmayoga.
Further, if a person performs worship, japa, and other forms of devotion, surrendering the results to God, he may be said to practise karmayoga. Attainment of God alone is the aim of karmayoga.
"What is bhaktiyoga?
It is to keep the mind on God by chanting His name and glories. For the Kaliyuga the
path of devotion is easiest. This is indeed the path for this age.
- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.
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Sunday, July 25, 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Attitude Towards Women
Attitude Towards Women
All women are parts of the Divine Mother, and therefore they should be looked upon as mothers by all.
Women, whether naturally good or not, whether chaste or unchaste, should always be looked upon
as images of the blissful Divine Mother.
Q.. How should we look upon the fair sex?
A. He who has known the Real, who is blessed with the vision of God, does not regard them with any fear. He sees them as they really are―parts of the Divine Mother of the universe. So he not only pays all honour and respect to women, but actually worships them as a son does his mother.
Q, How can we conquer lust?
A. Look upon all women as your own mother. Never look a woman in the face, but always look at her
feet. All evil thoughts will then fly away.
- Sri Ramakrishna
Sayings: 435 - 438.
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