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Sunday, May 31, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Power is an aspect of God. Human beings often associate the word power with ruthless ambition and dominance over others. But it is a misdirection of power to exert it over others for selfish ends, and a misuse of it to exert it without care for their well-being. Rightly understood, power is the ability to command our own energies - above all for our own transcendence, but also for the good of others. Such power is important for spiritual growth.
Many people imagine that spiritual development is manifested as a sort of saccharine sweetness. The saints, however, are people of enormous inner power, before which others often tremble! Yet theirs is a power only for good. Its roots lie buried in the soil of pure love.
"Help me to feel that Thy power runs through my veins, courses through my thoughts, and sets my noble feelings afire with love for Thee!"
-"Affirmations for Self-Healing" by Swami Kriyananda
Grateful thanks to Ananda sangha, Mumbai.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Diet and Disposition
Our diet affects our state of mind either favorably or unfavorably, and whatever affects our state of mind affects our disposition. It is necessary to eat the proper food in order to make a proper brain as well as a proper body. All food has some effect on the mind.
The human machine is not unlike an automobile or a steam engine. The efficiency of mechanical engines is largely dependent on the fuel supplied to them; similarly, the condition of the human machine is largely dependent on the food that a person eats. Food has much to do with developing such things as character, ability, and social habits.
Spiritual and Psychological Effects of Food
It is desirable to know not only the physical but also the spiritual and psychological effects of food. The three psychological qualities of food:
SATTWIC: develops moral and spiritual qualities
RAJASIC: develops active and worldly qualities
TAMASIC: increases darkening or deadening qualities
Sattwic foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, honey, fresh dairy products, coconut milk, peanut and almond pastes, and nuts. These foods produce calmness and nobility.
Rajasic foods are those that produce active, worldly, strong, and emotional qualities of the mind. These foods include onions, garlic, eggs, horseradish, pumpkin, potatoes, pickles, and spices, as well as fish, fowl, and lamb.
Tamasic foods have darkening, destructive qualities. Foods that are full of odor, putrefied, or artificially made (deprived of their natural qualities) are tamasic. Examples are Roquefort cheese, cold storage foods, and liquors, as well as beef, veal, and pork. These foods produce pride, jealousy, greed, and vengefulness.
Some spiritual qualities of foods are: (continue reading at crystalclarity.com/yogananda-on-how-foods-affect-us-spiritually-and-psychologically )
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
A PRAYER which comes spontaneously from the heart is the best. To our amazement some prayers are answered as soon as we pray. Some others are granted some other time, when least expected but very much needed. We had even forgotten that we had prayed thus. But there are some which are fulfilled not as we would have it but as God deems it fit for us.
If we study what Thakur said to various bhaktas, we would also pray to Bhagvan Sri Ramakrishna to say that to us what He said to, M., Baburam, Narendra....
Be Gracious, O LORD and say this to me too.
Bitter quarrels among the members of the joint family
drove sensitive M. to utter despair.
He left home one night with the idea of ending his life. In the morning, a nephew brought him to the Temple Garden of Dakshineswar. The Master, who divined the mood of despration in M., put new hope into him by his words of assurance.
"God forbid! Why should you take leave of this world? Do you not feel blessed by discovering your Guru? By his grace what is beyond all imagination or dreams can be easily achieved!"
At these words the clouds of despair moved away from the horizon of M.'s mind. Referring to this phase of his life, M. used to say, "Bohold! Where is the resolve to end life, and where the discovery of God."
Maa Sayings...
"Did you notice how many children have written with how many different desires? Some Say, 'I pray so much, meditate and tell so many beads and yet nothing happens.' Others write about the anxieties, fears, wants, diseases and sorrows of this world. I cannot hear any more of this. I say to the Master, 'O Lord! In this world and in the next, you alone have to save them.' Where is the yearning? They speak so much of their devotion and earnestness on the one hand, and on the other they are so pleased with any little enjoyment they come to have and say, 'Ah! How merciful is He!' That is the measure of their devotional hankering. They say, 'How is Radhu's health?' That is to please me - this anxiety for Radhu. As soon as I pass away, no one will even look at Radhu."
Shree Maa...
Om Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya!!!
Monday, May 18, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
This is the one great truth India has to teach to the world, because it is nowhere else. This is spirituality, the science of the soul. What makes a man stand up and work? Strength. Strength is goodness, weakness is sin. If there is one word that you find coming out like a bomb from the Upanishads, bursting like a bomb-shell upon masses of ignorance, it is the word fearlessness. And the only religion that ought to be taught is the religion of fearlessness. Either in this world or in the world of religion, it is true that fear is the sure cause of degradation and sin. It is fear that brings misery, fear that brings death, fear that breeds evil. And what causes fear? Ignorance of our own nature. Each of us is heir-apparent to the Emperor of emperors; are of the substance of God Himself. Nay, according to the Advaita, we are God Himself though we have forgotten our own nature in thinking of ourselves as little men. We have fallen from that nature and thus made differences — I am a little better than you, or you than I, and so on. This idea of oneness is the great lesson India has to give, and mark you, when this is understood, it changes the whole aspect of things, because you look at the world through other eyes than you have been doing before. And this world is no more a battlefield where each soul is born to struggle with every other soul and the strongest gets the victory and the weakest goes to death. It becomes a playground where the Lord is playing like a child, and we are His playmates, His fellow-workers. This is only a play, however terrible, hideous, and dangerous it may appear. We have mistaken its aspect. When we have known the nature of the soul, hope comes to the weakest, to the most degraded, to the most miserable sinner. Only, declares your Shâstra, despair not. For you are the same whatever you do, and you cannot change your nature. Nature itself cannot destroy nature. Your nature is pure. It may be hidden for millions of aeons, but at last it will conquer and come out. Therefore the Advaita brings hope to every one and not despair. Its teaching is not through fear; it teaches, not of devils who are always on the watch to snatch you if you miss your footing — it has nothing to do with devils — but says that you have taken your fate in your own hands. Your own Karma has manufactured for you this body, and nobody did it for you. The Omnipresent Lord has been hidden through ignorance, and the responsibility is on yourself. You have not to think that you were brought into the world without your choice and left in this most horrible place, but to know that you have yourself manufactured your body bit by bit just as you are doing it this very moment. You yourself eat; nobody eats for you. You assimilate what you eat; no one does it for you. You make blood, and muscles, and body out of the food; nobody does it for you. So you have done all the time. One link in a chain explains the infinite chain. If it is true for one moment that you manufacture your body, it is true for every moment that has been or will come. And all the responsibility of good and evil is on you. This is the great hope. What I have done, that I can undo. And at the same time our religion does not take away from mankind the mercy of the Lord. That is always there. On the other hand, He stands beside this tremendous current of good and evil. He the bondless, the ever-merciful, is always ready to help us to the other shore, for His mercy is great, and it always comes to the pure in heart.
Source: https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Complete_Works_of_Swami_Vivekananda/Volume_3/Lectures_from_Colombo_to_Almora/Reply_to_the_Address_of_Welcome_at_Paramakudi
Grateful thanks to Mr Durga Prasad, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Movement, Facebook.
A PRAYER which comes spontaneously from the heart is the best. To our amazement some prayers are answered as soon as we pray. Some others are granted some other time, when least expected but very much needed. We had even forgotten that we had prayed thus. But there are some which are fulfilled not as we would have it but as God deems it fit for us.
If we study what Thakur said to various bhaktas, we would also pray to Bhagvan Sri Ramakrishna to say that to us what He said to, M., Baburam, Narendra....
Be Gracious, O LORD and say this to me too.
Bitter quarrels among the members of the joint family
drove sensitive M. to utter despair.
He left home one night with the idea of ending his life. In the morning, a nephew brought him to the Temple Garden of Dakshineswar. The Master, who divined the mood of despration in M., put new hope into him by his words of assurance.
"God forbid! Why should you take leave of this world? Do you not feel blessed by discovering your Guru? By his grace what is beyond all imagination or dreams can be easily achieved!"
At these words the clouds of despair moved away from the horizon of M.'s mind. Referring to this phase of his life, M. used to say, "Bohold! Where is the resolve to end life, and where the discovery of God."
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
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