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Friday, January 23, 2009

From My Spiritual Diary-55: "Virtues to be cultivated by all"

Truth, Kindness, Austerity, Cleanliness, Forbearance, Thoughtfulness, Control of Mind, Restraint of the Senses, Renunciation, Study of the Scriptures, Straight Forwardness, Contentment, Equal Vision, Service, Gradually withdrawing from the coarse desires, Seeing the vain activity of people, Silence, Inquiry about the Self, Sharing Food and such other necessities of life with all creatures according to their need, Looking on them - more particularly on the human beings - as one's self and as a God, listening to and singing about the ultimate goal of all the great ones, remembering Him constantly, seeing Him, offering sacrifices to Him, bowing down to Him, becoming His servant, His friend and finally, Total Surrender to Him - these thirty qualities constitute the supreme duty of all human beings and by these the Lord can be pleased.
- The Bhagavata.

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