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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Q&A-26: How to purify the mind?

Avoid evil thoughts, evil feelings, evil actions, as much as you can. Entertain good thoughts, good feelings and perform good actions. That is the first step. Bear in mind that we are souls, the Atman. This Atman has put on a human personality with a view to playing a part in the cosmic drama of life. Whatever be the part assigned to us, that part has to be played well. That means, we have to perform the duties of life and work in a spirit of detachment, as a form of service to God. But mere moral practice and fulfilment of duties are not enough to purify the mind. We have to meditate on Him, pray to Him, who is the infinite source of Purity, Knowledge, Devotion, Compassion, Love and Bliss. - Swami Yatiswarananda

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