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If you belong to a faith, getting to know God through a personal relationship with him is the most rewarding thing one can do. God offers his friendship as a free gift, but many people often reject this because they think it means "religion". Having a relationship with God is simple -just as any friendship would be. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". John 3:16
“Say: if you love God, then follow me, God will love you and forgive you your faults, and God is forgiving, merciful” Holy Quran 3:31
- Know that God is a true being and that He loves you and that He wants to help you walk through life by walking with Him.
- Ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and mean it as well. "For All Have Sinned and Come Short of the Glory of God". Romans 3:23 "Say: 'O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins ): for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'" (Quran 39:53)
- According to Christianity Jesus is considered a gift from God and, he died for you so that you could live with Him and not burn in Hell forever.
- According to Islam obeying God and living a righteous life will protect you from hell.
- Ask God to come into your life and change your and mold you into who He wants you to be.
- If you're a Christian, be baptized for the forgiveness of sins Acts 2:38
- If you are a Muslim, ask God for forgiveness or do Dua (supplication)
- Know that He heard your cry. Know also that you are His child and that you will go and live with Him forever when you leave this earth one day.
- Tell others about God.
- Try to be consistent but not legalistic about spiritual disciplines.
- Read the Holy book of your choice (Torah, Bible, Quran, etc) as a personal letter from God to you.
- Those that take time to seek God will find Him.
- Find other like minded believers to fellowship with.
- Trust and obey God - the secret to a happy and fulfilled Life.
- Keep your conscience clean - daily confession.
- Forgiveness of self and others is essential.
- Ask God to fill you daily with His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
- Don't hold grudges or keep accounts.
- Get your mind off self and look to others' interests.
- Gratitude is the best attitude and God will bless you to be a blessing.
- God sometimes speaks to us through our conscience, other people, spiritual literature, sermons, preachers/teachers
- but primarily through the holy books, so very important to read it. Everything else is confirmation to what we read in the Bible. Watch out for verses that jump out at you.
- Try to understand the context and use your brain; don't assume you understand it - this could lead to misunderstanding the manual God left you to use.
- Use discernment - even within holy temples (Church, Masque, etc)
- Always love people - don't become critical or judgmental, you are not better than others but are saved through the grace of God.
- Beware cultish movements that do not recognize God.
- "Seek his Kingdom first and everything else will be added! Spend time with God, soak yourself in Him and the things of Him and you will know His will.
- "An adulterous generation looks for a sign." God is greater than signs and wonders; that's why it requires faith to know God is there. He can do this but don't let your faith fail because of a lack of it.
- Be aware that there is many other religious options other then the ones mentioned. If you are converting or joining a religion for the first time, do simple research to make sure that you are selecting the faith that best reflects your understanding of yourself, the world around you, and God.
- Put God before everything else. It is really hard but really worth it.
- Know that God is a loving God but you should have a Godly fear (aka respect) for Him.
- Wait for things to happen in GOD'S TIME, not yours.
Things You'll Need
- A Holy book - any version - one that is easy for you to read
- A notepad and pen for keeping a journal
- A quiet place - somewhere to be alone with God
- Time allocated for meeting with God alone regularly
- (Note - Don't put time aside for God, you should put time aside for everything else, but God should always be first.)
Related wikiHows
- How to Develop Self Esteem Through God
- How to Find God
- How to Get the Love of God
- How to Believe in God
- How to Become A Christian
Sources and Citations
- Jesus Blog - Looking at current events through the eyes of Jesus.
- http://www.journeyofjoy.com
- http://www.givemeananswer.org
- http://www.eternityfree.com
- http://www.answersingenesis.org/
- http://www.ucb.co.uk
- http://www.rbc.org
- http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml
- http://www.ucb.co.uk/word_for_today
- http://www.everydaywithjesus.com/
- http://www.online-bible-college.com
- http://www.lwf.org/
- http://www.biblegateway.com/
- http://www.askrealjesus.com/
Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Have a Personal Relationship With God. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
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