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For the sincere truth seekers in life, take the patience to read and ponder this "how-to".
- Know what Islam means. Islam means submission to the will of the only God. That God is our Creator, who created us out of nothing and deserves our praise. A Muslim is someone who peacefully submits to the will of The One Creator, Who will test us on the Day of Judgment based on our obedience of His Laws (not the ones we create for ourselves). That Creator's proper name is Allah (The One to worship, in Arabic).
- Know the prophets of religion. The Lord sent a prophet to every nation to teach them right from wrong and warn them of the Day of Judgment. Relaying the message of Allah, the prophets gave the glad tidings of eternal Paradise to those who obey, and a stern warning of eternal hellfire to those who reject the truth when delivered to them.
- Worship The One God with no partners, as it is he alone who made you; follow the prophets; believe in the Day of Judgment; enjoin good; forbid evil.
- Acknowledge the other scriptures; five known scriptures were revealed: the Scrolls to Abraham, the Torah to Moses, the Psalms to David, the Gospel to Jesus, and the Qur'an to Muhammad [in that order, pbut].
- Don't believe everything you hear. Investigate for yourself. This is the most important decision of your life, it's not like choosing what degree to seek, and which house to buy. This life has an end.
- Research the religion and know the what the Five pillars of Islam are. They are:
- Allah is the only god, and Muhammed (pbuh) is his prophet
- To pray 5 times a day, everyday, at the correct times.
- To fast during the holy month of Ramadan.
- To give part of your wealth to charity on a regular basis
- To visit the Kabbah in Mecca, if able to do so.
- Allah is the only god, and Muhammed (pbuh) is his prophet
- Allah has promised that the Qur'an will be guarded and never be changed.
- Not even one letter has changed - so many people even memorize the whole Qur'an.
- Many people have come to Islam post 9/11.
- Muslim women wear the hijab to obey Allah's command. Many people see this as oppression when they are only guarding their chastity.
- Research the religion to find out what is haraam and what is halaal (what is unlawful and was is lawful). You may be surprised to know that you cannot eat carnivorous animals, or have partners unless married. There are many more "rules" you must follow, and it's best to take it from a reliable source and not the media.
- Go to the websites listed below for more information.
- This life surely has an end - no matter how grand you get in this life, you will die someday.
- Don't blame Islam for it's misguided followers. This game can be played with all religions.
- Never take the media's word for it. Islam has nothing to hide. Go research Islam yourself, and you will realize the truth.
- Don't be afraid to accept the truth - you are never guaranteed the next breath in life - when Allah wills, you are dead.
- If some teachings ever 'fail', it doesn't mean that it is wrong.
Things You'll Need
- Quran
- English version of Quran, with detailed translations
- Go to a Mosque and learn from other Muslims
- Patience, discipline, and an open mind willing to learn
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Sources and Citations
Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Find Truth According to Islam. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
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