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Friday, May 30, 2008

How To-8: "How to Become Mentally and Spiritually Emancipated"

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Emancipation is possible for anyone. Three aspects of our selves can be bonded, thus making us immobile: physical, mental, and spiritual. This article will focus on emancipating the mind, the springboard of action.


  1. Breathe deeply over and over in order to attain a level of relaxation. Free your mind from the bonds of the body, the nervousness, the anxiety, the feelings of being tied down. You are not shackled; you are not a rock.
  2. If you are experiencing difficulty, engage in yoga practices or pick up a copy of "Zen Mind Beginner's Mind" by Shunryu Suzuki. Be patient and you will be rewarded.
  3. Find ways to remove all negative thoughts, all vices, all neurons of darkness, and all the things that created your own personal bondage. You are you; you are in control; you can do it.
  4. Check out Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay "Self-Reliance" (less than twenty pages and it will change your way of thinking, for the better). Read and be freed from social restraints, ideas and people.
  5. Find a sense of purpose. Ask yourself, why should I be emancipated? What will I receive? Remember, you will benefit from freeing yourself.


  • Believe in your inner strength, your mind.
  • Take a road trip, and read Kerouac's "On the Road."
  • Listen to the blues.


  • Emancipators face negativity from traditionalists.
  • Obstacles can deter emancipation.

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