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Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
*Ten Benefits of Meditation*
1. Helps to keep the genetic center, the treasure of human life, to be clean, strong, peaceful and capable to increase pleasure.
2. Would set the quality in man to have realisation of God, clarity on living beings, and leave life on virtual path.
3. Enhance the mind expanding ability.
4. Increases the unerring awareness in word, thought and deed.
5. Enhances the mind and its grasping power.
6. The qualities of adjustment and tolerance blooms up.
7. Assists to remain clean by clearing from the ill-feelings in us and the errors we commit at times.
8. Enhances the capability to perform creative things.
9. Paves the way for World peace by Individual peace, Family Peace & Society peace.
10. Makes to think what could be doable and get it done what is thought.
*- Vethathiri Maharishi*
Maa Sayings...
"Look, dear, I do not usually give initiation to a young widow. I have given it to you only because you are a noble soul. See that you do not betray me. A spiritual teacher has to suffer for the sins of his disciples. Always repeat the name of the Chosen Ideal like the ever-moving hand of a clock."
Shree Maa...
Om Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Maa Sayings...
"Look, dear, I do not usually give initiation to a young widow. I have given it to you only because you are a noble soul. See that you do not betray me. A spiritual teacher has to suffer for the sins of his disciples. Always repeat the name of the Chosen Ideal like the ever-moving hand of a clock."
Shree Maa...
Om Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
THE DIVINE MOTHER is ceaselessly at work to restore this universe’s broken harmony. She it it who holds in Her hands pleasure and pain, life and death, and fruits of actions. Let’s take shelter at Her Blessed Feet with SWAMIJI, and pray to Her to bestow Her boon of blessings on the suffering humanity at this difficult time.
O THOU most beautiful ! Whose holy hands
Hold pleasure and hold pain ! Doer of good !
Who art Thou ? The water of existence
By Thee is whirled and tossed in mighty waves
Is it , O Mother, to restore again
This universe’s broken harmony
That Thou, without cessation at work ?
Oh ! May the Mother of the Universe —
In whose activity no respite rests,
Incessantly distributing the fruits
Of actions done, guiding unceasingly
All action yet to come—bestow Her boon
Of blessing on me, Her child for evermore.
SARAYUBALA DEVI :- It was the hour for afternoon worship. The Mother changed her clothes and sat on the carpet before the
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image of Sri Ramakrishna. She had made some flower garlands with her own hands to decorate the image. Rash Behari, a young Brahmacharin, had kept near the garland some sweets for offering. Ants gathered around the sweets. Some ants were seen also in the garlands. Mother said, with a laugh, "See what Rash Behari has done! Sri Ramakrishna will be bitten by these ants." She removed the ants and tenderly decorated the image with the garlands. Seeing her thus decorate the picture of her husband with flowers before others, Surabala, her sister- in-law, laughed. Later the Prasada was distributed to all.
One lady devotee said, "Mother, I have five daughters. I cannot find suitable bridegrooms for them. I am so anxious about it."
Mother: - “Why do you worry about their marriage? If you cannot find suitable husbands for them, please send them to the Sister Nivedita Girls' School. They will be trained there. They will be very happy in the school.”
Another lady devotee: - ‘If you have faith in the Holy Mother, then do as she asks you to do. That will be for your good. If you listen to her, you will have no worry.’
Needless to say, the mother of the five girls could hardly appreciate the advice.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play! 236
Passages from “Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play” – p: 222 – 223
By Swami Chetanananda
Vedanta Society of St Louis
Chapter 14
Holy Mother and Sister Nivedita – 04
Holy Mother treasured anything that Nivedita gave her. Once Nivedita gave Holy Mother a small German silver box in which she kept locks of Ramakrishna’s hair. She used to say, “Whenever I look at the box at the time of worship, I am reminded of Nivedita.” In one of her trunks, Holy Mother kept an old tattered silk scarf that her attendant wanted to throw away. “No, child,” she said. “Nivedita gave it to me with great love. Let us preserve it.” She then took the scarf in her hand, scattered black cumin seeds in its folds as a preservative, and laid it carefully back in the trunk. She remarked: “The very sight of the scarf reminds me of Nivedita. What a wonderful girl she was! At first she could not speak to me directly, and the boys acted as interpreters. Later she picked up the Bengali language. She loved my mother very much.”
One day Nivedita said to Shyamasundari: “Grandma, I shall go to your village and cook in your kitchen.” The old lady replied at once: “No, my child, you must not do that. Our people will ostracize me if you enter my kitchen.”24 [Swami Nikhilananda, Holy Mother, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Centre: New York, 1962, p.: 285; Swami Gambhirananda, Srima Sarada Devi, Udbodhan Office: Calcutta, 2008, p.: 217]
Nivedita had penetrating eyes, a brilliant mind, indomitable energy, and deep spirituality. She observed that although Holy Mother had no formal education, her dealings with people and teachings were beautiful, catholic, practical, and appealing. Holy Mother’s divine love and affection, strong common sense and sweet personality captivated her. Nivedita wrote:
To me it has always appeared that she is Sri Ramakrishna’s final word as to the ideal of Indian womanhood. But is she the last of an old order; or the beginning of a new? In her one sees realized that wisdom and sweetness to which the simplest of women may attain. And yet, to myself the stateliness of her courtesy and her great open mind are almost as wonderful as her sainthood. I have never known her hesitate in giving utterance to large and generous judgement, however new or complex might be the question put before her. Her life is one long stillness of prayer. Her whole experience is of theocratic civilization. Yet she rises to the height of every situation. Is she tortured by the perversity of any about her? The only sign is a strange quiet and intensity that comes upon her. Does one carry to her some perplexity or mortification born of social developments beyond her ken? With unerring intuition she goes straight to the heart of the matter, and sets the questioner in the true attitude to the difficulty.25 (Complete Works of Sister Nivedita, 1:105-06)
Maa Sayings...
"Son, the world is a great mire. If one gets into it, he finds it difficult to get free. Even Brahma and Vishnu gasp in it, what to speak of man! Repeat His name. If you repeat His name, He will take you beyond worldliness. Son, can anyone attain liberation unless He helps? Have deep faith in Him. Know the Master to be your refuge, just as parents are to children in this world."
Shree Maa...
Om Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya!!!
(From the letters provided by a monk, a disciple of Revered Swami Gahananandaji)
गहन आनन्द चिंतन – ०३५
Dear ………………,
Your letter dated 18 March reached here on 30 March.
You do not have to serve anyone else. Just understand that according to your past deeds you have got this birth and also the right to repeat the Holy Name of Sri Ramakrishna.
As of now just constantly repeat the Name of the Master – make a practice to mentally repeat the Name of the Master - while walking, while doing any work (activity). Keep writing letters to me.
I keep constantly coaxing to Sri Ramakrishna and Holy Mother for you (your well-being).
Your well-wisher ever,
Swami Gahanananda
22-March-2020 (Sunday)
Gems of Holy Trio – 174
Anger and lust cannot be destroyed. Turn them toward God.
Kam, Krodh Aadi Jabar Noy; Ishwar-er Dike Mor Phiriye Dao.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna – P. 162
If a meditative mood sets in well and good. If not, don't force your mind to meditate.
The Gospel of The Holy Mother – P. 213
MY PLAN OF CAMPAIGN (Delivered at the Victoria Hall, Madras) – 14
Therefore I cannot join any one of these condemning societies. Why condemn? There are evils in every society; everybody knows it. Every child of today knows it; he can stand upon a platform and give us a harangue on the awful evils in Hindu Society. Every uneducated foreigner who comes here globe-trotting takes a vanishing railway view of India and lectures most learnedly on the awful evils in India. We admit that there are evils. Everybody can show what evil is, but he is the friend of mankind who finds a way out of the difficulty. Like the drowning boy and the philosopher — when the philosopher was lecturing him, the boy cried, "Take me out of the water first" — so our people cry: "We have had lectures enough, societies enough, papers enough; where is the man who will lend us a hand to drag us out? Where is the man who really loves us? Where is the man who has sympathy for us?" Ay, that man is wanted.
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda – Vol. III P. 215
"Sir, I have a question to ask. Is it good to sacrifice animals before the Deity? It certainly involves killing."
Sri Ramakrishna: "The sastra prescribes sacrifice on special occasions. Such sacrifice is not harmful. Take, for instance, the sacrifice of a goat on the eighth day of the full or new moon."
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna – P. 185
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Words of the Buddha
“ Young man, it is in that way that an offering is made to the tathāgatas. It is done without seeing the tathāgatas, without focusing on the self, and without any desire for the ripening of karma. Young man, if an offering made to a tathāgata is purified of those three aspects of the action, this samādhi will be attained and the highest, complete enlightenment of perfect buddhahood will be quickly reached.”
Extracted from: The King of Samādhis Sūtra
Familiarize yourself with the sūtra here: http://ow.ly/zbFL50jAETe
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Shashadhar :"There is no particular need of my going just now. The only thing is that I shall have to perform my Sandhya."
Master:"The Divine Mother has taken away my Sandhya and other devotions. The purpose of the sandhya is to purify body and mind. I am no longer in that state."
(He Who purifies others by a mere touch or wish, what need of Sandhya does he have? And he who is always united with the Divine in the joy of communion?)
Maa Sayings...
Disciple: What time should one set aside for Japa and meditation?
Mother: To call upon Him at the conjunction of day and night is the most auspicious. Night disappears and day arrives, or day disappears and night arrives-this is the conjunction of day and night. The mind remains pure at these times.
Shree Maa...
Om Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
*Daily A Noble Thought - March 20*
*Ten Benefits of Meditation*
1. Helps to keep the genetic center, the treasure of human life, to be clean, strong, peaceful and capable to increase pleasure.
2. Would set the quality in man to have realisation of God, clarity on living beings, and leave life on virtual path.
3. Enhance the mind expanding ability.
4. Increases the unerring awareness in word, thought and deed.
5. Enhances the mind and its grasping power.
6. The qualities of adjustment and tolerance blooms up.
7. Assists to remain clean by clearing from the ill-feelings in us and the errors we commit at times.
8. Enhances the capability to perform creative things.
9. Paves the way for World peace by Individual peace, Family Peace & Society peace.
10. Makes to think what could be doable and get it done what is thought.
*- Vethathiri Maharishi*
Maa Sayings...
Disciple: "Mother, all other Incarnations survived their spiritual consorts (Sakti), but why this time did the Master pass away leaving you behind?"
The Mother said, "Do you know, my son, that the Master looked upon all in this world as Mother? He left me behind this time for demonstrating that Motherhood to the world."
Shree Maa...
Om Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya!!!
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"The superior devotee says:'It is God Himself who has become everything; whatever I see is only a form of God. It is He Himself who has become maya, the Universe, and all living beings. Nothing else exists but God."
Vaishnava:"Does anyone ever attain that state ?"
Master:"One cannot attain it unless one has seen God. But there are signs that a man has had the vision of God. A man who has seen God sometimes behaves like a madman; he laughs, weeps, dances, and sings. Sometimes he behaves like a child; guileless, generous, without vanity, unattached to anything, not under the control of any of the gunas, always blissful. Sometimes he behaves like a ghoul; he doesn't discriminate between things pure and things impure. And sometimes he is like an inert thing, staring vacantly;he cannot do any work, he cannot strive for anything."
Was the Master making veiled reference to his own states of mind?
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Maa Sayings...
Sri Ramakrishna would say, 'Musk forms in the navel of the deer. Being fascinated with its smell, the deer run hither and thither. They do not know where the fragrance comes from. Likewise, God resides in the human body, and man does not know it. Therefore, he searches everywhere for bliss, not knowing that it is already in him' God alone is real. All else is false.
Shree Maa...
Om Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya...
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
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